Friends of Bach
Thanks to our friends who have made financial contributions.
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Anderson
Ms Jackie Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brewer
Judy Goldsmith and Andrew Klapper
Mr. William Hershey Greer
Mr. Eric Grulke
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Haragan
Ms Barbara L. Herbener
Ms Alice Hollingsworth
Ms Linda Levstik
Rev. and Mrs. Eric Iversen
Mr. and Mrs. David Line
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Marshall
Ms Evelyn S. Matherly
Ms Janice H. Nallinger
Karen and Charles Papp
Ms Jane E. Phillips
Mr. Mark Pittman
Ms Virginia L. Qualls
Mr. Gottfried Reck
Dr. and Mrs. Schuyler Robinson
Mr. Charles R. Sither
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Timoney
Mr. and Mrs. David Turner
Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Wiehe
If you would like to join our Friends, you may contribute online by clicking this donate button:
Or, you may mail your contribution to:
Kentucky Bach Choir
P.O. Box 1243
Lexington, KY 40588